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- 0 rem from nelcug disk 6/87
- 10 print"[147][152]";:poke53281,15:poke53280,15
- 20 fori=1to23:reada$:ifa$="[157]"thengosub80:goto200
- 50 printa$:next:gosub80:goto20
- 80 p=p+1:print" [154] [208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197]> to continue [208]age"p"[157] [145][152]"
- 90 getb$:ifb$=""then90
- 100 print"[147]";:return
- 200 print"[147][154] [208]ress <[209]> to [209][213][201][212]
- 210 [153]" (NULL)ress <(NULL)> to (NULL)val(NULL)right$val(NULL)
- 220 print" [208]ress <[204]> to load [195][193][212][193][195][207][205][194][211]
- 240 [161]k$:[139]k$[179][177]"r"[175]k$[179][177]"l"[175]k$[179][177]"q"[167]240
- 250 [139]k$[178]"r"[167][138]
- 260 [139]k$[178]"q"[167][128]
- 300 [153]"loadload"[199](34)"catacombs"[199](34)",8":[153]"run";
- 310 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
- 10000 [131]"
- 10010 data"[150] [195][193][212][193][195][207][205][194][211]
- 10020 [131]"
- 10030 data" [201]nstructions
- 10040 [131]"
- 10050 data"[152][201]n [195][193][212][193][195][207][205][194][211] you wander around in a
- 10060 [131]"huge underground labyrinth that is
- 10070 data"bigger than the screen itself. [212]he map
- 10080 [131]"of the dungeon is 50 rows by 80
- 10090 data"columns, with 10 levels. [212]he screen
- 10100 [131]"scrolls in all four directions around
- 10110 data"you whenever you move against the
- 10120 [131]"border.
- 10130 data"
- 10140 [131]"(NULL)our purpose on each level is to avoid
- 10150 data"the traps and monsters, get as many
- 10160 [131]"gold chests as possible, and find the
- 10170 data"key that unlocks the door leading to
- 10180 [131]"the next level.
- 10190 data"
- 10200 [131]"(NULL)n the first five levels, this is
- 10210 data"relatively easy, since the catacombs
- 10220 [131]"are illuminated. peekut on the next five
- 10230 data"levels the lights are out, and the only
- 10240 [131]"things you can see are the objects
- 10250 data"which are within range of your torch.
- 10260 [131]"right$t takes an extensive search, as well
- 10270 data"as caution, to avoid the traps and
- 10280 [131]"monsters while you look.
- 10290 data"
- 10300 [131]"(NULL)here five types of critters living in
- 10310 data"the catacombs: [211]kulls, wizards, bats,
- 10320 [131]"spirits, and snakes. (NULL)here three of
- 10330 data"these guardians on each level, and they
- 10340 [131]"are quite intelligent and relentless in
- 10350 data"their efforts to catch you. [201]f one of
- 10360 [131]"the monsters catch you the game ends.
- 10370 data"
- 10380 [131]"(NULL)he chests are worth 50 gold points
- 10390 data"each. [193] key adds 100 gold point bonus
- 10400 [131]"to your booty. valach level is worth 25
- 10410 data"gold points.
- 10420 [131]"
- 10430 data"[212]here are two types of doors in the
- 10440 [131]"dungeons. (NULL)ne is white, the door you
- 10450 data"came in, and one is gray, the one you
- 10460 [131]"need to unlock. (NULL)ou cannot go back
- 10470 data"through the white door. [217]ou cannot go
- 10480 [131]"through the gray door until you have
- 10490 data"the key.
- 10500 [131]"
- 10510 data"[212]he traps are detectable if you keep
- 10520 [131]"your eyes open. (NULL)he tripwires look like
- 10530 data"single pixels on your screen. [201]f you
- 10540 [131]"set off the trap you lose 50 gold
- 10550 data"points - but worse than that, the
- 10560 [131]"lights go out in the level that you are
- 10570 data"on. [217]ou can get through the first five
- 10580 [131]"levels by avioding the traps, but
- 10590 data"levels 6-10 are dark anyway, so you
- 10600 [131]"only lose 50 gold points.
- 10610 data"
- 10620 [131]"right$f you complete all ten levels, the
- 10630 data"game ends, prints your total of gold
- 10640 [131]"points, and asks if you want to play
- 10650 data"again. [208]ress '[217]' or '[206]' at the prompt.
- 10660 [131]"
- 10662 data"
- 10664 [131]"
- 10670 data"[212]his program makes use of the [197][206][212][197][206][196][197][196]
- 10680 [131]"peekatnlen(NULL)chr$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)str$ len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)str$val feature of the
- 10690 data"[195]-64.
- 10780 [131]"def valnd of right$nstructions
- 10790 data"[157]